SPsystem Help Manual


Ticker Window

Please click the video:
Video Tutorial on Ticker Window

Open the Ticker window from the Trades Menu.

B means Buy.
S means Sell.

This window can displays all done trade information. Information on this window is stored in the local workstation. Therefore, it can only display trades information received during the logged-in period. Users will not be able to retrieve any trade details during the logged-off period.

Description of the Window Items

IdProduct ID
QtyTraded quantity
PriceTraded price

Log Time
Time when tick was created

Deal Src
Show special deal flags to indicate how the order was matched
Deal flag:
BB - Bulletin Board Orders
STDC - Standard Combination Orders
INT - Block Trades
AUC - Auction Orders
MPS - Deal Registration

Star (*) means this is your trade.

Lock Product

The “*” symbol at the top corner of the window allows to lock one of the displayed product

Other options by right-clicking the mouse

By right-clicking the mouse, you can choose 'Show Id', 'Lock Id', 'Save Ticker Record',Tradition Mode' (shows white background, and will show black background if untick), 'Show Title Toolbar' and 'Help'.