SPsystem Help Manual


Account information Window

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Users can enquiry about their account information such as Order , Position , Clear Trade , Cash,etc

Account Position Summary

ID-Product ID
Prev-Traded quantity of previous business day
Long-Today bought volume
Short-Today sold volume
Net-Net Position & average price

Simply right-click the [Position Summary] and select the [Net Position Only], information on net positions of products will be displayed. Or select the [Not Display Pos=0], information on net positions of products which is not 0 will be displayed.

Account Balance Summary

Total cash = cash balance + transaction amount + lockup amt - total fee

Buying Power - Buying power is the main figure for SPSYSTEM to judge whether the client / user can place new order or not

[Securities Account]Total Cash + Credit Limit + Trading Limit + Marginable Value

Net Asset Value (NAV) - NAV is the total asset value of the client account with the current price of the instrument

[Securities  Account]Total Cash + Scty Mkt Value

Margin Call - The amount that client should deposit to refill the insufficient amount for his open positions of future / option contracts or stock holdings (margin clients)

[Securities Account]Total Cash + Credit Limit + Marginable Value [If Total Cash + Credit Limit + Marginable Value < 0 ]

Period - Trading period : Day / Overnight / Mixed
Cash balance - Cash Balance b/f + Unsettle + Today Fund In/Out + Withdrawal Request
Transaction Amount (Stocks & Stock Options)- Stock / stock option Transaction amount
Lockup Amount (Stocks & Stock Options)- Held amount for yet done buy order for stock / stock option

Credit Limit - Credit amount for enlarge the buying power and can be used as margin covering during trading hours. This amount cannot be withdrawal.
Trading Limit -  Trading limit is a credit amount only for enlarge the buying power to place order and it CANNOT be used as margin covering during the trading hours. This amount cannot be withdrawal.

Marginable Value (Stocks & Stock Options) - The total margin value of the client stock holdings
Max Loan Limit - The ceiling of the client`s loan amount(including credit limit , trading limit and marginable value)
Scty Mkt Value - The total value of the client stock holding calculated with the current market price.

Loan / Marginable % -  This percentage reflects the client`s loan compare to re-pledging value ratio, i.e. the risk of his buying power.
(Loan / Marginable Value) * 100%  

Loan / Mkt value % - This percentage reflects the client`s loan ratio compare to his asset value, i.e. the risk of his holdings
(Loan / Scty Mkt Value) * 100%  

Client Status - Client status : logged in / logged out (broker use only)
Control Level - Client trading control level : (Normal / Disable Trade / Client Susp / Acc Frozen)
Margin Class - Margin Calculation method (define by the margin class settings)
A/E - A/E Code

Click the arrow next to the button 【Report】, user can select 【Account status report】or【Order log】

Order Page

Order Page - (Upper Part)

Order book - This part of window is used for displaying and working with orders. It manages the orders in the order book, such as delete order, change order, etc. This window is dynamically updated upon changes of the orders. For example: When an order is fully traded, the order will disappear from uppers portion and move to lower portion.

Description of the Window functions
Delete- Delete one selected order in the Order Page
Inactivate- Inactivate one selected order and it will not be put into market
Activate- Activate one inactive order and it will be put into market
Delete All- Delete all orders in the Order Page
Inactivate All- Inactivate All
Activate All- Activate all orders so that they will be put into market

Bulk Delete/Bulk Activate/Bulk Inactivate
Functions including [Bulk delete/Bulk activate/Bulk inactivate] in the [Order] manual of the [Account information Window] allow bulk deletion/activation/inactivation of orders of same product type.User can simply right-click at the [Order] manual (as shown in above picture) to choose these functions.

Order Report
When right clicking at the Order manual, another smaller window will be displayed which allows the user to make changes on the trade and generates report regarding the orders:

Description of the Window Items
Order- Internal Order Number
Product ID- Product ID
OS BQTY-The number of quantity want to buy
OS SQTY-The number of quantity want to sell
Price-Target Price
Valid - Validity
Condition-Conditional Order. If condition is matched, order will be send to market immediately
Status -Order Status(e.g. Add.., Working, Del..) Details are shown in the table below.[/url]
Traded- Traded quantity
Reference- Reference
TimeStamp- Order Time
Ext. Order# - External Order number (unique)
Initiator- User ID who create this order firstly

Order status displayed on order book of the Account information window are explained as below

WorkThe order request has been successfully sent to market
PendThe order request is pending for triggering and not send to market yet
InactvThe order is being inactivated.It will not be sent to the market.
Add…The order request is trying to be sent to market. If the status remains for some times, please contact your broker immediately on order situation.
Chg…The order is trying to be changed. If the status remains for some times, please contact your broker immediately on order situation.
Del…The order is trying to be deleted.If the status remains for some times, please contact your broker immediately on order situation.
TradedThe order is already traded.
Chg…(Resync)The order status is unknown.If the status remains for some times, please contact your broker immediately on order situation.
Ex.InactiveThe order status applies to those orders placed on product of HHI/ HIS futures at T session and being inactivated by exchange at specified time.

NOTE - According to the rules of the Hong Kong Exchange, placing order, change order or order cancellation is not allowed in certain period of the day. For details, please refer to the website of Hong Kong Exchange.

User can find the market status “State” in “Market Price” window, which is updated according to the trading session defined by Exchange.

"State" column displays the market status, which indicates whether users can place orders or not during that session. Following illustrates the meaning of different market status:






Can place auction order (AO) & auction limit order.Allow alterations and deletions of orders.


PRE-OPEN Allocation Session

Can place auction order(AO)only. No alterations or deletions of orders are allowed.


OPEN Allocation Session

Cannot add, change or delete orders


PRE-Market Activity Session

Allow deletions of orders only


Market Opening Session

Can add, change or delete orders. Auction orders(AO) are  forbidden.


Market Pause Session

Cannot add, change or delete orders


Market Close Session

Cannot add, change or delete orders


(Stock only) Suspension of security

Forbidden on trades of particular security


Exchange inactive

(HKEX T+1 tradable products only) All T-session orders will be expired during this period. No order actions can be done.

Remark: The above illustration applies to HK market only

Trades - (Lower Part)

- This part of window is used to display today done trades

Description of the Window functions
Trades- Product ID
BQty- The number of traded quantity in Buy side
SQty- The number of traded quantity in Sell side
Price- Target Price
Time- Trade Time
Order- Internal Order Number
Ext. Order# - External Order number (unique)

Copy All Trade

Description of the Window functions

Order Report - A report given details on done trade.
Copy All Trade - Permit user to copy information of done trades, and paste to other software such as Excel, Word, etc

*Through [Copy All Trade] it makes the replication of done trade information simpler.

Position Page

This page is used for displaying the detail of account position. If you want close your position, press [Close Position] button

When the user selects【Mkt】for Price, then Price will become【Hit Market】.  If sell, it will take the market ask price as the order price. If buy, it will take the market bid price as the order price.

Description of the Window functions
Pos- Product ID
Prev- Position & average price in Previous Business Date
Day Long- Long Position & average price in Today
Day Short- Short Position & average price in Today
Net- Net Position & average price
Market Price- Market Price
P/L- Profit/Loss
Day Gross Turn- Total amount traded (=Buy Order + Sell Order)
Day Net Turn- Net amount traded (=Sell Order- Buy Order)
Market Value- Mkt.Val =Day Gross Turn+ P/L
Fx Rate- Currency Rate
P/L (Base Currency) - Profit/Loss in Base Currency
Market Value (Base Currency) - Market Value in Base Currency

Clear Trade Page

This page is used for displaying the total clearing trades of the current business day in clearing house.

Description of the Window functions
Trades- Product ID
BQty- The number of traded quantity in Buy side
SQty- The number of traded quantity in Sell side
Price-Trade Price
Trade# - Internal Trade Number
Status- Status
Reference- Reference
Time- Trade Time
Order Price-Order Price
Order- Internal Order Number
Ext. Order#  - External Order number (unique)
Initiator- User ID who create this order firstly

Cash Page

This page is used for displaying the total clearing trades of the current business day in clearing house.

Description of the Window functions

Balance Currency- Balance Currency
Cash Balance b/f- Cash Brought Forward
Unsettle- Unsettle Balance
Today Fund In/Out- Today Cash Deposit/Withdraw
Total Cash- Total Cash = Cash Balance b/f + Unsettle + Today Fund In/Out
Unpresented- Unpresented Cash Value
Fx Rate- Currency Rate
Cash (Base Currency) - Total Cash in Base Currency

Tips (Quick Product Change)

You can simply click the ID of product at bottom part of the [Account Information window], the product inside the [Enter Order Window] can be changed quickly. This offers a faster way when to add or reduce orders on several products.