8.75.4 ============================== - SPApiAccInfo正常获取LoanToMR和LoanToMV 8.75.3 ============================== - 修复SPAPI_Uninitialize出现Error - 修复SPAPI_RegisterProductListByCodeReply回调数据出现乱码问题与冲突问题 - 添加SPAPI_LoadProductInfoListByMarket方法,根据交易加载Product信息 - SPAPI_LoadProductInfoListByMarket,SPAPI_LoadInstrumentList,SPAPI_LoadProductInfoListByCode添加return返回req_id - SPAPI_RegisterInstrumentListReply,SPAPI_RegisterProductListByCodeReply回调参数中加入req_id。对应请求时Return req_id - SPAPI_LoadProductInfoListByMarket与SPAPI_LoadProductInfoListByCode支持多code请求,参考Example - 行情与Ticker支持自动重连。 8.75.2 ============================== - Changed time/date related attribute from int32_t to uint32_t - Revised spcrypto - Fixed product expiryDate timing issue for PL calculation on last trading day and different timezone issue - Support auto failover to all available tserver links once in connection phase - Clear account's' order/trade/bal/pos cache after received ClientAccount message - Added OnClientAccountPush for AccountDataListener - Reload AETrade on business date change 8.75.1 ============================== - 登入(LoginReply)回调添加返回登入用户ID - AE Mode(AccountLoginReply 与 AccountLogoutReply)回调添加返回Client用户ID。 8.75 ============================== - 改善DLL支持HTTPS获取数据 - 改善Uninitialize的使用,(正确使用方法Uninitialize应Logout) - 修复Linux中SPApiPrice属性缺失 - 修复:添加订单时价格输入错误问题!(Error参考Document>Addorder) 8.744 ============================== - 添加SPAPI_SendAccControl与SPAPI_RegisterAccountControlReply户口控制函数 - 添加SPAPI_RegisterLoadTradeReadyPush - 修复SPAPI_ActivateAllOrders与SPAPI_GetOrderByOrderNo,return错误问题 - 修复Order CallBack TotalQty错误问题! 8.743 ============================== - 添加GetAllPos与GetAllPosByArray函数 - 优化加载Instrument与Product。 8.742 ============================== 添加 - SPApiPrice add Timestamp (行情更新时间) 8.741 ============================== 1: 修复出现内存冲突问题! 2: 修复登录失败无Mess问题! 3: 修复登录成功后无Trader回调问题! 4: Linux版本已经支持获取Instrument与Product功能! 8.74 ============================== 1:添加 SPAPI_GetAllTradesByArray SPAPI_GetOrdersByArray SPAPI_GetAllAccBalByArray SPAPI_GetInstrumentByArray SPAPI_GetProductByArray 使用C malloc array方法获取相应List.解决C与C++兼容问题!(可以参考Document与Example) 8.73 ============================== 1: improve the system security 2: 修复系统兼容性问题 8.72 ============================== 1:修复斷线重连问题 2:修复GetAllAccBal在64位内存问题 3:修复Load Instrument and Product一些请求与数据问题 4:修复SPAPIInstrument参数ContractSize类型问题long->double 8.71 ============================== 加入做市商下單指示 8.70 ============================== API支持多线程功能. 8.684 2015-12-07 ============================== 1:SPApiPrice有新增 long ExStateNo; //港期市场状态 long TradeStateNo; //市场状况 bool Suspend; //股票-是否已停牌 long ExpiryYMD; //产品到期日期 long ContractYMD; //产品合约日期 2:修复DoneTrade回调数据 3:修改方法SPAPI_Login =》SPAPI_Login(bool auto_relogin)加入是否自动重连参数 4:added SPAPI_ReconnectAndLogin 手动重连 8.6839 2015-10-30 ============================== 1:修复GetAccInfo字体问题 2:修复同时循环取AccInfo与POS问题 8.6838 2015-06-10 ============================== 1:add account info/Ref Fx.Rate 8.6837 2015-05-21 ============================== 1:Add Method: AE mode Ctrl Level of account info 8.6836 2015-02-27 ============================== 1:订阅价格根据TradeClass 2:PriceData Added Clear(Clear All List) 8.6835 2015-02-03 ============================== 1) SPApiAccInfo add LoanToMR and LoanToMV 8.6834 2015-1-29 ============================== 1) Stop querying prices and tickers after logout and login 修复登出后前订阅Price与Ticker还回来问题 2) Limit the number of user login 3) C# sample add AO order 8.6832 2014-8-20 ============================== 1) calculate trades' average price 2) API log path can be set 8.682 2014-6-13 ============================== 1) can be able to download product list 8.67 2014-4-15 ============================== (1) Trade struct add a new field (2) fixed Position exchange rate (always 0) (3) fixed Openssl bugs 8.66 2014-2-28 ============================== 1) Fixed AE Mode Load Order&Trades Bugs after relogin 2) Always get AE Order&Trades at AE Mode 8.65 2013-12-04 ============================== 1) Use high precision time to show log time 2) fixed failed to relogin problem 3) fixed background polling cause hang while exit program 8.644 2013-09-24 ============================== 1) Added Account Access And Account Release Function To DLL 2) Added Change Password Function 8.643 2013-08-05 ============================== 1) Fixed Load Instrument List and Load Product List Bugs 8.642 2013-07-23 ============================== 1) Fixed Load Instrument List and Load Product List (Some fields from database maybe are null, old version will return error, new version will skip these fields) 2) Fixed Load Instrument and Product List callback (old version will return ready when error, new version fixed it) 8.641 2013-07-09 ============================== 1) fixed donetrade trade log time. -Add TradeTime In TClearTrade -Get TradeDate from TSever 8.64 2013-06-24 ============================== 1) delete DllVerNo, DllRelNo, DllSuffix, Use AppId, AppVerNo, AllRelNo, AppSuffix 2) Modify SPAPI_Initialize() 3) Modify SPAPI_GetDllVersion 4) Change AppSuffix to 20130624 8.64 2013-06-13 ============================== Modify the dll Log (To show more details about order, donetrade, connection, AE Mode Status and so on) 8.64 2013-06-07 ============================== 1) Fixed: Release Price bugs(release and request after login, price not callback) 2) AE Mode: 1. Add AE Order and AE Trade List in dll 2. GetOrderByOrderNo(long int_order_no, SPApiOrder *order) --> GetOrderByOrderNo)(char *acc_no, long int_order_no, SPApiOrder *order) 3. Modify these Functions (can get ae data if ae mode login): GetOrderCount, GetOrderByIdx, GetOrderByOrderNo, GetTradeCount , GetTradeByIdx, GetTradeByTradeNo LoadOrderReport, LoadTradeReport, 4. Modify Order And Trade CallBack (return ae order and trade data if ae mode login) 5. Can Send AE Order if ae mode login 6. Admin Login in port 8081 will be forced to logout if not set bit AE_MODE 8.63 2013-04-26 ============================== 1) SPApiPos Add: double PL; double ExchangeRate; 2) Fixed: The price only callback after the user request it. The price will not callback after login. 3) Add Function call: LoadProductInfoListByCode ; Add callback : ProductListByCodeReplyAddr;